Monday 27 May 2024

Activities to get pupils talking

I have just come across a document called 'Checklist of activities to get pupils talking' downloadable here on my Google Drive.  

I prepared it for a training session for student teachers.  There are loads and loads of ways to get pupils talking in a lesson, but this list may be of use to someone!

Thanks to the many teachers who have shared their ideas with me over my 4 decades of teaching.  Core books I have to had which will have informed some of these ideas are:

  • Routledge Teaching Guide - A practical guide to teaching foreign languages in the secondary school
  • Routledge - Learning to teach foreign languages in the secondary school
  • CILT: Something to say? Vee Harris, James Burch, Barry Jones, Jane Darcy

I compiled this before acquiring the ALL publication 'It's good to talk' [link here]  and look forward to learning even more strategies.  You never ever stop learning.!

Checklist of activities to get pupils talking!

Most can be modelled by teacher  - whole class repetition – then led by pupils as ‘teacher clones’ in pair / group work. ‘Teacher clone effect!’

Ranked roughly in order of stage: predictable/supported -  Unpredictable/unsupported


  6. MIME
  10. GAMES (non-card!)

Activity ‘name’ (helps to make memorable for pupils .. don’t need to explain every time!)



Full text

Could be models dialogue, conversation, presentation, substitution table.

Choral repetition

Imitative – all involved but narrow


Choral performance

Read with different characteristics of performance:
‘Conduct’ / click  - get rhythm going (but insist only T clicks!)

To the beat of  a metronome / drums / clicking

Vary way it is said (volume, emotion,, speed)

Read aloud text


Teacher / pupils alternate

Switch when you have had enough!

Rewards for good performance


Reading auditions

As above in pairs

With expression . body language. Facial expression

Puppet show

Read aloud as a puppet

(create a theatre?!)

CTBG - Open pairs performance

Pair read in front of others.  Class gives feedback on appropriate criteria. ‘CTBG’ - catch them being good!


Memorise text gradually.

Gradually hide words / letters

Substitution tables gradually withdrawn

Against the clock

Time how long it takes to say the text x times

Recording studio

‘Final product’ encourages rehearsal

Act up!

Add own words to drama

Emotional roles

Resolving a dispute

Planning a party

Adding extra to the dialogue drawing on known – ideas,. Justifications

With props – restaurant

Add extra dimensions – emotions, problems



Hot Potato reading

Pupil reads and passes to another by saying their name when not expecting it

Closed pairs practice

Pairs practise to rehearse for performance.


Read aloud until mistake spotted!

Pass the parcel

When music stop, pupil holding parcel reads the next bit

Musical pass the mobile phone

Pupil has back to class. Class pass the old phone while music playing. Music stops. Pupil with phone says next phrase (can disguise voice) . Pupil has to guess the person.

Human punctuation

Switch at punctuation mark


On the ball (for real!)

Teacher throw squeeze to pupils at random with text, they throw back with next section

On the ball

Teacher read – stop – challenge: next word?



Q/A work – pointed questions

Pattern practice: Closed / alternatives / open

Teacher / Pupil / Teaching Assistant / Native speakers

NB  Guidance needed (can be daunting / demotivating if not done well – lamentable!)

True or false chanting

Repeat if true, silent if false



Reverse read aloud

Say word

Pupil say sentence containing the word

Random reading

Read sentence at random. Stop. Pupils supply next sentence.


Give letters

Audio Hangman

Talk about letters

it begins with  / finishes with


It’s a phrase to say when you leave ..



Beat the pen

Start to write the text  / hide – guess or ask to continue

Sound then rhythm

Sound first syllable and clap the rest. Pupils supply full sentence.

Closed mouth speaking (Mouth full speaking?)



Say with mouth closed and work out phrase form rhythm and intonation

Heads and tails

Display just the top / bottom

Topsy turvey

Display text upside down

Chinese whispers

Start each row with a phrase to be ‘passed along’ through whispering.  Winner raises hand and says aloud phrase correctly.

Translation challenge

Gradually reveal En/TL from fixed dialogue

Live challenge with substitution tables


Mime words / sentences within the text

Sign language

Work out the phrase from the sign language

Lip reading

Mouth the word  / phrase – pupil says the word/phrase

Trace in the sky

Trace in the air the word  / phrase – pupil says the word/phrase

Trace on your back

Trace on back the word  / phrase – pupil says the word/phrase

Special envoy

One pupil sent out of class.  Class decide on phrase to be mimed. Pupil returns and has to guess.

Class knock-down

Teams take it in turn to send out fellow team member. Decide on who mimes what. Team member returns.  Each mimes. When they com in they are timed in guessing the mimes. Shortest time wins.

Make the teacher mime

Pupil says word / sentence. If correct,  T mimes.


T/P mimes.

Class interprets.

Class says phrase / word

Team charades

Two teams A and B compete to guess sentences mimed by volunteer from their team quicker than the other team. After each mime, volunteer selects person to guess. Scores point if correct.  Then  moves to next card.



Fill the gaps

In pairs – each has the info the other one needs.

Secret choice

Teacher guesses pupil’s secret choice all class knows choice) for one round (10?).  Pupil gets points for each incorrect guesses.

Pupils take it in turns to guess Teacher’s secret choice. Same scoring.

Winner = most points (i.e. most incorrect guesses from opponent).


Uncover matching pairs  /groups of cards.

Ask/hide/find the card

Pupils request card and keep.

When all distributed, pupils have to recall who had which card and request it.

Slow reveal

gradually reveal a card – first to say phrase.

Quick flash

Show card very quickly – can they say it?

Noughts and crosses

Translate / Give  the phrase represented in the square to gain the square (or it goes to other team)

Happy Families

Pupils guess who has which card and requests it in TL.

Supply phrases to play game




Teams draw word / phrase to illustrate.

Teams members guess within a time limit.


Team member draws word / phrase to define in TL without using specific words.

Team members guess word,

Generation game conveyor belt

Words shown as on a conveyor belt.

Memorise words.

Recall – point per item recalled.

Kim’s game

Show words.

Then hide all

Memorise words

Recall – point per item recalled.

Through the keyhole

Guess 8 images

Call out words seen

(Can be done with paper an dcut out keyhole!)

Beat the blur?

Call out word before unblurred



Singalong song

Memorable.  Could focus on one part (chorus?)

‘Pick up a song’ ‘On connaît la chanson’

Fade out – are they still in time when you come in again?



Could create their own


Rhythmic chanting of elements

GAMES (non-card!)


Chain game

‘I went to market and I bought A’

‘I went to market and I bought B and A’

‘I went to market and I bought C and B and A


Pupils create 3x3 grid filled with 9 of the 20 words / [phrases available.

(Or teacher creates in adavcen).

 Teacher ‘calls; for whole class.

Then Pupil ‘calls’ for whole class.

Then group games where one is caller.

Noughts and crosses

Translate / Give  the phrase represented in the square to gain the square (or it goes to other team)


Plot location of ships (say, 10 within a grid of 8x8)

Pupil uses phrases to target grid reference.

If square has a ship, they win a point (or the number of points in the grid).

Can be with or without support of text.


Each pair makes random choice of 3 to complete each of say 5 phrases.

Take it in turns to guess the other’s  choice.  If incorrect, play passes to opponent.


As trapdoor, but no phrases in between.

Give us a clue

Listening charades

20 questions game

Discover word / phrase by asking questions (animal, vegetable, mineral ?

Yes/No only answers allowed.


Select hexagon. Answer challenge aloud to claim the hexagon. Winner crosses the board before the other team.


Quizmaster: teacher or pupil.

Pupil representing team answers. Can call on rest of team (ask th e audience) phone a friend (in team) or 50:50.

Can be built into a big TV show!

Flippity randomiser translations

Make a sentence from the randomiser (roulette? Fruit machine?)


Anticipate what someone would do …

(High prep, but worth it!)


Play and interact in TL.


Play and interact in TL


Play and interact in TL

Logic games

Discuss reasoning for choices

  • e.g. match apartment to family
  • e.g. planning a party for fussy guests
  • e.g. placing animals in a zoo


Partner A / Partner B given info the other needs.

Fill the gaps

In pairs – each has the info the other one needs.




Carry out surveys for a graph / feedback.

Find someone who /..

Info hunt to fill in grid

Group Talk!

Prompt: several images to discuss / give opinions and justifications

Train in key phrases to question / react / give opinion

See slides and Greg Horton talk

Diamond ranking

Groups discuss relative importance etc of cards / statements and rank  in order of importance.

Celebrity interviews

Wear masks and ask / answer questions.

Picture mystery (guess who owns house etc.)

Ask questions to match owner with house.



Quest in a 3D world!

Explore a 3D world with partner school.

Escape Room games

Play with a group and discuss in TL!

Practical Projects

Make chatterbox game – then play!

Design ideal house

Saturday 25 May 2024

Preparing for new GCSE: the motivating effect of comprehensive booklets.

I believe that a good start to any course is to make pupils feel confident that their teacher knows what lies  ahead, and I find that issuing booklets in different pale colours to be kept in a cardboard wallet kept in the classroom is a good start!  Of course it is important to have the resources available electronically as well, but personally I find that physical booklets make learning more memorable.  I can 'picture' where the language is.  And anyway, at the moment, pupils still have to put pen to paper for the final exam! 

Here's a list of what I issued in September 2016 for the 2018-2025 GCSE French AQA. [I made a few changes, so these are the updates issued in 2018 onwards]. 

I plan to  create similar resources for the 2026 onwards AQA and Edexcel French GCSE if needed.  

The links should take you to my Google drive where you can view and download them if you like..
I have removed links to resource which draw heavily on the published course book paid for by the school.

Ppt to introduce new GCSE [I think there might be a different one somewhere else.. this is from someone e else -  apologies that I cannot credit them.)



Criteria: Foundation AQA 2016 [NB I have already done this for Edexcel 2024 + AQA 2024- see 9-12 here:

Criteria: Higher AQA 2016 [NB I have already done this for Edexcel 2024 + AQA 2024-  see 9-12 here:

Role Play
Role play booklet (higher)
Role Play foundation - I did one, but cannot find it

Photo card

Conversation - NB - questions are all related exactly to the questions in the textbook so that they matched material covered.  They reference the page number in the book.
Speaking Test Models - Foundation -  removed link as much of this is lifted straight from the course which the school has paid for, and I don't want to break copyright.

Speaking test models - Higher -  removed link as much of this is lifted straight from the course which the school has paid for, and I don't want to break copyright.

Conversation models: Collection from Studio Higher French by theme order. [ I extracted transcripts of model conversations and made it into a booklet so that students has 'models'.] Link removed - copyright.

Answer booster collection (taken from the end of the Studio modules) Link removed - copyright.